Tea Time in my Personal Journal Pages, A Little Project Evolving. . . .

A week ago I was maundering and wittering here about whether or not I was wasting my time when I engaged in the child’s play of cutting, pasting, drawing, and painting.ย  My bigger concern, truly, was and is whether my child’s play (my maundering and wittering as well, for that matter) can possibly have any interest for you.

But an older woman’s child’s play is all you’ll get today. No maundering or wittering on the agenda. No time for it what with the sourdough needing to be stretched and folded, a dress to knit for a small mouse (also knit, I hasten to add — check her out on Instagram; she’s ridiculously cute!), an “Arms and Abs” workout waiting online, a mystery novel to finish reading. . .

And I’m committing to this Tea thing I’m doing (in case you haven’t noticed, or haven’t been here before; I seem to have wandered into a little series about tea, starting with cups and saucers) –curious to see how it will play out in several modalities (a word I’ve rarely used, but which would come in handy if I thought of applying for a grant about Older Woman and Child’s Play — I’m not, don’t worry!, but if . . . ๐Ÿ˜‰

First of all, this is happening on my journal pages. . . .

As with the page featured in my last post, I’ve used gouache on paper torn judiciously from an Australian fashion magazine, Frankie.

As you should be able to see, the sketch/mixed-media piece I’ve glued into my journal incorporates some text related to tea and its rituals and accoutrements. I’ve filled the rest of the journal’s page with varioius details about the day

I didn’t quite manage to convey the ironic distance I want from the poorly-edited magazine text. . . I should have crossed out the word “always” (in the magazine copy in the photo below) more boldly, for example. And “Unexpected Joy fills me with delight,” as I’ve written in the teacup: I’d thought it obvious that there was too much sugar in that cup of tea! But perhaps it just reads as if I’m comfortable with redundance; tautology is my friend. . . .

But that’s okay. I’m feeling my way here, and I’m going to keep censorship out of the room for now.ย  At least, I don’t mind critiquing myself when I’m done and learning what I might like to do differently next time, but I’m curious to see what will emerge if I let Play dictate direction for now. I have a lifetime of tea-drinking to process . . . wonder where it might lead me. . .

Anyway, that was the last of such entriesย  (for now) . . . in fact, I only filled two more pages in January, one of them already posted hereย . . .

But tea has begun showing up in another way in my journal. And it’s spilling (sorry! ๐Ÿ˜‰ out of those pages and into my snail mail. More about that next post. . .ย  Will you be here?

(Oh, and those modalities?

First, and most obvious, what’s happening in my Junk/Sketch Journal)

Second, the Snail Mail, so “hard copy getting sent out into the material world to people I know and love IRL”

Third, sharing the sketches and snail mail imagery here, in my blogging community, and seeing where that goes.ย  — – Tea, The Pause that Refreshes . . . .


  1. Marsha
    19 February 2021 / 7:12 pm

    I am much enchanted with your maunderings and witterings. You are creating beautiful and tangible treasures that are well worth sharing.

  2. Susan B
    19 February 2021 / 7:39 pm

    Your collages are just delightful. I think being playfully creative is underrated as something that promotes "whole person" wellbeing. Right up there with "arms & abs." ๐Ÿ˜‰

    That little mouse is just adorable! I can't remember if I left you a comment on Instagram, but again I'm so wowed by your knitting skills.

  3. Rosie
    20 February 2021 / 1:00 pm

    I agree wholeheartedly with Marsha and Susan B. I really enjoy reading about and experiencing your sketches, mixed media pieces … your journal is absolute joy to me as is your knitting … whether itโ€™s a sweater or the cutest little lady mouse!
    I may not always comment but Iโ€™d certainly miss these posts …
    I hope youโ€™re having a lovely weekend! Still dark and rainy here but cosy indoors and a roast in the oven! ๐Ÿ˜Š

  4. Georgia
    20 February 2021 / 2:38 pm

    It doesn't always take a lot to fill us with delight.

    But sometimes it does.


  5. Mary
    20 February 2021 / 6:16 pm

    That last photo of SaddieSouris looks remarkably like how I feel after a weight training session. She's a sweetheart. Can't wait to see her dress.

    Enjoying your journal pages…but have to laugh that the Professor in you can't quite handle editing errors. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. materfamilias
    21 February 2021 / 12:49 am

    Marsha: Thanks so much for the kind and encouraging words! So . . . I'll just keep having fun here and muttering about it ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Susan B: Thanks! I think so too, re creativity, and I don't think many of us were raised to believe in or nurture it in ourselves. And re Sadie Souris, I'm pretty sure you did comment and she thanks you for the appreciation.

    Rosie: You're very kind! Between Instagram and the blog, I love our ongoing chat.

    Georgia: I knew you'd get it! ๐Ÿ˜‰ (also thought of you turning your screen sidewise)

    Mary: The dress has turned out delightfully. It will be tough to sending her travelling. (and yes, you'd think I'd be bolder with the red marking pen — but I always chose a friendlier colour, tbh)

  7. Kate Budacki
    21 February 2021 / 1:28 pm

    Delightful blog as usual. Funny, I just downloaded Sadie and picked up some yarn last week. Great minds,you know the rest.

  8. Lisa
    21 February 2021 / 8:00 pm

    It doesn't take a lot to fill us with delight! Especially if we can get our inner Watchers to take a break;).

  9. Sue Burpee
    21 February 2021 / 11:50 pm

    It seems I am always late to the game when it comes to reading and commenting on posts. I love your playful journal. I find it inspiring, and it makes my fingers itch to get back at my own drawing. You make me think that collage making would be more fun. See… you're always inspiring me, Frances. xo

  10. Mardel
    28 February 2021 / 1:17 pm

    echoing here….
    enchantment and joy, enchantment and joy…..

    thank you for this delight.


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.