Comfort Food that Brings the Spicy Heat — A Quick and Satisfying Recipe, Mmmmm

I’m almost finished my 2020 Books Read post, but couldn’t resist sharing a quick, healthy, satisfying meal with you, one that I made yesterday when there seemed to be “nothing for lunch.” . .

I first made this fragrant dish after a snowfall that kept us home on our little island where we lived by the beach for many years. . . I’d often grumble about snow making it tough, even dangerous, to get around, but there was no denying the way that, freshly fallen, it softened the world, transformed it, magically.

Just as undeniably, it made more work, whether shoveling walkways or clearing roofs even just of the extra care and energy needed to walk in it.

On that particular snowy day, back on the island some hearty and comforting food was required mid-day to fuel all this activity. (If you like pretty pictures of snow or you’re curious about my previous home and lifestyle, do click on that link, have a little visit. Such a difference from where we are now, and yes, I do miss it still.)

But then, as now, the pantry offerings were limited and the grocery story was a long snowy walk and a boat ride away.

Luckily, then, as now, our pantry has a rich hoard of spices; a variety of dried legumes, including both red and brown lentils; and we’re rarely without garlic, ginger, and an onion or two. If your pantry is similarly stocked, you could try making this Lentil Dahl today.  That earlier post has a link to the recipe — I copied it out on the back of an envelope yesterday and will glue it into my sketchbook journal later (the link wasn’t working for a while and I couldn’t find another recipe that I liked as much and that could almost always be made quickly from our pantry. I’m delighted to have found it again, and I’m happy to have a hard copy now).

At 12:15 I was feeling a bit peevish about the fridge findings (or lack thereof). At 12:17 or thereabouts I imagined a bowl of Dahl. At 12:18 I had found the recipe online again. At 12:19 I was momentarily grumpy because someone had used the last cinnamon stick and never replenished the stock. And by 12:20, having decided I could just sprinkle some ground cinnamon into the lentils as they cooked, I was playing their colourful texture through my fingers over a white plate to make sure there were no teeny pebbles included.  . .

Then all the endorphins of chopping and mixing and melting and sautéing. . . and all the gorgeous spicy fragrance and colour to brighten a grey old day. . . .

And by 12:50, I was enjoying this, over a bed of White Basmati Rice (because if I’d cooked up the Brown Basmati, I wouldn’t have been noshing until 1:15, and I Just. Couldn’t. Wait.).

I have to say that as delicious as this Dahl was (even better if you add a spoonful or two of sour cream or coconut milk, another spoonful of chutney). . . I wouldn’t have minded if our pantry had stretched as far as it did that wintry day on the island. We’d stocked ours, at the time, with a jar of Nutella so the healthy dish was followed by a more indulgent serving of Nutella Crepes. You’ll find the link for that recipe back on my island, in the snow.

Let me know if you find the makings for Dahl in your pantry. . . Perhaps you already make another version regularly. Either way, if you find yourself putting together a bowl of fragrant, spicy, colourful goodness, let me know how it turned out. Enjoy!




  1. hostess of the humble bungalow
    28 January 2021 / 5:32 pm

    Oh that recipe sounds very tasty! I have all those ingredients in my cupboard…may make it this weekend.
    Thank you!

    Hope that you are keeping well.

  2. Sandy B
    28 January 2021 / 6:06 pm

    I love a dal and always have several kinds of lentils on hand. I'll try your recipe though because you add things I didn't think of. Thanks.

  3. Coastal Ripples
    28 January 2021 / 7:11 pm

    That sounds perfect and I have all the ingredients. Tomorrow’s lunch is in the making. Thank you. B x

  4. Mardel
    29 January 2021 / 2:16 am

    I love dal and the ways memories snd food intertwine. The recipe looks wonderful.

  5. Anonymous
    29 January 2021 / 5:33 am

    Yes! Will add a few other veggies. Coconut milk is a necessity. Perfect for a rainy Saturday. I can smell it already
    I have not made Dal for ages….
    Thanks for the suggestion.

  6. Lorrie
    29 January 2021 / 5:37 am

    I can just imagine the wonderful scent of this dish. I do have all the ingredients, and I would love to make it on a snowy day. Lacking snow, it's supposed to rain this weekend.

  7. Anonymous
    29 January 2021 / 9:43 am

    It looks so yummy,especially for a snowy day
    Serendipity-I've made lentils (not a dahl dish,without all the sweet flavours and with chopped parsley instead of coriander) for today's lunch. It is usually made with smoked meat here-we like it without it
    I have all of ingredients in my pantry,so next time I could make dahl. Love all kind of lentil dishes,red,green,brown lentils-but my favourite is brown lentil salad-very simple,with onion,chopped parsley,salt,pepper, aceto balsamico and olive oil. It is more appropriate for summer,but I like it all year around

  8. Rosie
    29 January 2021 / 11:03 am

    This sounds so tasty! Pretty sure that I have all the ingredients although like you i may have to substitute the cinnamon sticks for ground cinnamon 😊 Best of all though was the journey back in time to your snowy island!
    So impressed with Paters roof clearing skills!

  9. Taste of France
    29 January 2021 / 11:12 am

    I love dal baht. Carrots and zucchini blend into it well (zucchini, if diced, will practically melt away, in case you want to add the vitamins but someone will object to vegetables being included).

  10. materfamilias
    30 January 2021 / 1:17 am

    Hostess, Sandy, Barb: If you do make it, I hope you enjoy!
    Mardel: I like that intertwining as well
    Ali: I sometimes find coconut milk hard on my digestion, but it does add a great note to the layered flavours . . . and yes, an antidote to rain as much as snow 😉
    Lorrie: You, Ali, and I are on the same page with suiting the dish to rain . . .
    Dottoressa: Now I'm curious: do you, like the Italians, have it for New Year's Eve? The year we were there for Capodanno I made Lenticchie e Cotechino which is supposed to bring good luck. . .
    Rosie: I think you'll find it yummy and convenient. . . and it's healthy too! Yes, he was good at all those chores our island life required — and those he doesn't miss too much 😉
    TofF: So for dal baht you have to make the whole wheat buns? I'd probably enjoy the veggies, but would rarely have zucchini in my pantry in winter. Do you cook the carrots with your lentils?

  11. Anonymous
    30 January 2021 / 9:25 am

    No,we don't eat it for New Years Eve,quite contrary,in Croatia was a tradition that one doesn't cook legumes between Christmas and Epiphany (I guess it was to save the source of plant proteins for later,while one prepares and eats a lot of meat during holidays)
    Italians eat lentils on New Year's Eve for good luck and fortune in the upcoming year,lentils round shape resembling Roman coins

  12. Lisa
    31 January 2021 / 5:09 pm

    I remember when you first posted this recipe! And I remember the first time I made it. And the second, and on and on. It's so good and so simple. In fact, time to order some yellow lentils:).


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