A Bit of Random Cheer, 3rd Monday in Advent. . .

Odds and Ends this morning, and then I’m off to meet my sister for a walk in the rain — walking together outdoors is the only socializing we’re currently permitted here, outside of our immediate household, and I’m taking advantage of, and very grateful for, the opportunity. My poor sister–I’ll talk her ear off!

Before I forget, Ceci asked for the recipe for those ginger sugar cookies I mentioned last post, and in case she doesn’t see the link I responded with, here it is again. The link will take you to a recipe for Auntie Crae’s Ginger Sugar Cookies, apparently once sold at a beloved, now defunct, bakery in Saint John’s, Newfoundland. They’re quite a sweet cookie, and if I make them again I might tinker with the amount of sugar — but I suspect the sugar helps create the wonderful texture — crispy at the edges but oh, so delightfully chewy overall. So good!

While you’re mixing up a batch, you might want something to listen to. Something uplifting as befits the season, but it’s not quite Christmas tunes you’re looking for. . . Consider checking out Haitian-American flautist, composer, singer Nathalie Joachim, whose album Fanm d’Ayiti won a Grammy earlier this year.  Listen to her on Spotify (I believe there’s free access), and be sure to watch this YouTube video in which she speaks about her Grammy-winning album — about the way it draws on Haitian history, particularly focusing on women’s voices — and shares excerpts from her performance of the music with TheSaint Paul Chamber Orchestra. . . And if you love her music as much as I do, you might want to consider, as a Christmas gift to yourself or loved ones . . . I’ve just noticed that tickets are available for an in-home “live” performance of Fanm d’Ayiti by Nathalie Joachim and Spektral Quartet.

My November Reading post is up now, over on Materfamilias Reads, my book blog. . . in case you’re looking for books to enjoy during this holiday season, much quieter than we’re used to, perfect for readers. . . you might even find some titles you’d like to give as gifts.

And before I go, I thought we could pop over to the Christmas village of Sutri (province: Viterbo; region: Lazio) in Italy. . . where I stood with my son-in-law and granddaughter last December and watched my daughter risk life and limb . . . You can see what I mean here. Be sure to swipe left for the video clip.Remember to breathe. (Spoiler: she lives! No limbs broken!)

Tune in later this week to see what two dresses I’ve bought recently despite having nowhere to wear them. . . another sad story brought to you by the letter C for Covid-19. . .

Now I’m off to wear out my sister’s ear and my larynx. Leave a comment below, if you have a moment.




  1. anonymous
    14 December 2020 / 10:08 pm

    I have been searching for the perfect crisp on the edges and chewy in the middle ginger cookie so I look forward to trying this recipe! Thanks.


  2. Mardel
    15 December 2020 / 2:27 am

    I’ve saved the link for the cookies and will try them. I see there is a gluten-free option. I know they won’t be the same, and I may still tinker, but they seem like they would be wonderful. And thank you for the links to music as well; new to me and music I wish to explore further.

    Isn’t the ability to walk with family, or friends, wonderful? Simple things, big payout,. Hope you have a lovely week.

  3. Carolpres
    15 December 2020 / 3:12 am

    Oh, these cookies look wonderful! I might have to try this recipe, even though I have no need for more sweets….

    I swear, the walking with a friend is a real sanity-saver at this point. I have a weekly date with a friend to walk, masked, near the beach in Santa Monica. There's an art to figuring out timing and location so we get our ocean fix while at the same time avoiding other humans!

  4. Duchesse
    15 December 2020 / 11:59 am

    You're lucky, we're ordered to see no one we don't live with, indoors or out. I walk in the street and pass strangers at a distance, that's it! I wonder if buying things one will only wear when all of this passes is a form of protest?

  5. Smithposts...
    15 December 2020 / 12:48 pm

    Ahhh, thanks, just the cheery reading, just what I need this morning. Hope you had a wonderful walk with your sister!! I am off now to check out your November reading list and the ginger cookie recipe. We occasionally buy ginger cookies from our local farmer's market and I look forward to a good recipe I can make at home.

  6. materfamilias
    15 December 2020 / 3:49 pm

    SLF: I hope you enjoy it!
    Mardel: I'd love to hear back from you once you've listened.
    Carolpres: The friends I'd walk with are almost all back in my old community on the island and I really miss that option. But my sister's only a half hour's drive from here and we've been managing every second or third week. It really helps!
    Duchesse: We're allowed to walk, watching distance, with the proviso that there's no stopping and that it not evolve into any kind of group chat. Our weather is such that so far my walks with my sister have been in drizzle, if not full showers. Optimum for dashing droplets to the ground. . .
    Smithposts: That made me chuckle "just the cheery reading." Sometimes that comes easier than others and some days it's more needed than others. Let me know what you think about the cookies — they go well with the reading 😉

  7. Noelle
    15 December 2020 / 9:32 pm

    I’m so jealous, I live in the U.S, my sister in Canada, right across the border 10 minutes away. I haven’t seen her since February and have no idea when the border will reopen. We miss each other.

  8. Anonymous
    16 December 2020 / 1:13 pm

    Thank you for resending the cookie link – there seems to be extended family interest in ginger cookies and we may be building toward a ginger cookie mail exchange, so I am delighted to have a new to us recipe with an "exotic" origin story!


  9. Sue Burpee
    16 December 2020 / 2:14 pm

    Thanks so much for the link to those cookies. I miss really good ginger cookies. The chewy ones like these and the thin crisp, but not hard ones for dipping in my tea. But only when I'm alone. Ha. Enjoy your walk, Frances. I'm with you on the walking and talking someone's ear off!

  10. Anonymous
    18 December 2020 / 12:39 am

    Oh, yes to ginger cookies. We made, that is, B made a wonderful ginger cake last week. I helped clean up.
    It truly is the best fragrance wafting from the kitchen at this time of year.

  11. materfamilias
    19 December 2020 / 4:20 pm

    Noelle: I haven't seen any of my mother brothers or sisters since February either. That border separation is tough, but I must admit that I hope it stays closed for a while yet. . .
    Ceci and Sue: Hope you enjoy the cookies! And yes to dipping them in the tea (but then being careful not to drip on the book 😉
    Ali: Yumm! You've reminded me that somewhere I have a recipe for an upside-down pear gingerbread cake. . . .must hunt that up. . .

  12. Anonymous
    19 December 2020 / 4:39 pm

    I remembered that video-your italian family is so brave,all three of them. Having a masked walk with your sister is really nice
    Have a wonderful weekend,with a couple of walks and,hopefully, lovely weather


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