Sketchy Days, Covid Confinement, Quotidian Comforts. . .

 I realized last week that I haven’t done much (hardly any!) of the sketching I thought I’d find time for during this confinement, so I unearthed a mini watercolour sketchbook and decided to try filling a page a day until the book is full. Wonky lines allowed; erasing discouraged. Fifteen minutes maximum, for now, at least. Inspiration to be found in the quotidian domestic.

You’ve already seen my first effort here — that dainty white Coalport china vase holding a stem of cherry blossoms.

And in calendar order, here are five more pages, beginning with April 7th, above

April 8th . . .

April 9th. . .

April 10th (if you haven’t seen the videos of the newly hatched mason bees, you might like to check them out on Instagram . . .

April 10th started well but took a dive — have you read my friend Sue’spost on her day with the Wobbles? (emotionally shaky, wobbly — not sure that’s in the dictionary, but it’s a useful word to have in the lexicon). . . . Well, I was wobbly enough that Pater tucked a pack of Hawkins Cheezies into the grocery bag. These are a Canadian treat — any of you know and love them? They go surprisingly well with a good RosΓ©. . .

That’s all I have to say today, except that I have a new post up on my Reading Blog with a few titles you might be interested in. And if you pop over there for a visit, I’d love to know what you’ve been reading. . . or tell me here if you’re settled in too comfortably to shift. . . πŸ˜‰




  1. Susan B
    17 April 2020 / 1:04 am

    Frances, I am always so utterly charmed by your sketches. They have so much life and personality.

  2. Anonymous
    17 April 2020 / 5:51 am

    I second that and now I'm heading over to your reading blog for more inspiration!
    Frances in Sidney

  3. Carolpres
    17 April 2020 / 6:34 am

    Your sketches are so cheering! Especially for those of us who aren't of a painterly bent. I blame Easter for the wobbles (I commented on your last post about my Easter before I read Sue's, but I'm thinking the holiday probably affected us all). Off to your Reading blog!

  4. Annie
    17 April 2020 / 9:31 am

    Love the mason bees in their cosy mansion. While I do not lack for things to do – another bedroom to tackle, family photos to sort and label, potatoes to plant, another top to hand-sew – I find that I do a lot of reading instead at the moment. Perhaps I don't want to think. Not sure. And a lot of tv I find unwatchable except for The Repair Shop and, rather differently, Killing Eve. So: cosy craftspeople making things good as new and then designer-dressed violence. I shall, however, at least cut out the material today. I like the sound of the snack too.

  5. Taste of France
    17 April 2020 / 12:26 pm

    I have seen beehives surrounded by a moat of water to keep the ants away. (That is not redundant–the moat around Carcassonne, being atop a hill, never has held water, except for a movie.)
    I love your sketches. Do you play piano? How lucky to have a grand!

  6. Duchesse
    17 April 2020 / 1:34 pm

    Every artist friend is drawing what is on hand, a visual record of the times. Perhaps this is a way to make sense of a disorienting time few saw coming? I enjoyed these so much!

    re the Wobblies, I have asked friends to stop sending me covid links unless they are about personal or family matters. I have good news sources and can only allot part of each day to the topic or get too depressed, especially by graphic material. I don't want to hide from the grim reality, but at same time if I steep in it I am definitely harder to live with and do not sleep.

  7. Sue Burpee
    17 April 2020 / 3:14 pm

    I love that bee sketch, Frances. Those little splashes of yellow… so lovely.
    As you said so kindly on my wobbly post…. remember you have a wobbly twin on the other coast. Okay… not quite on the coast but definitely the other side of the country. xo

  8. Mary
    17 April 2020 / 3:16 pm

    Charming sketches. Good to sketch what is in front of you even when it may not be quite as inspiring as other locales.

  9. Madame La-Bas
    18 April 2020 / 1:28 pm

    Your sketching is very alive. I've been trying to do a 5-10 minute pencil sketch. It is difficult not to judge, erase or add too many lines. Wobblies are allowed. I find that too much Covid info is unhealthy. We can not know the outcome and we can not control it. I ordered some tomato and herb plants. Summer will come and we will have enough food. Some things we can control but most things we can't right now (or maybe ever).

  10. Anonymous
    18 April 2020 / 3:01 pm

    I love your bee hive sketch,it is amazing!

  11. Anonymous
    18 April 2020 / 7:13 pm

    Those are wonderful sketches, especially the bee house.

    I love Hawkins; in fact, I have sent some to family members in the UK!

  12. materfamilias
    18 April 2020 / 7:21 pm

    Susan, Carol, Frances: Thank you!
    Annie: Yes, I find there are gaps between intention and actual activity, but/and I'm learning to give myself more credit for what I get done during the day — it's generally pretty substantive when not compared to what I'd imagined. . . πŸ˜‰
    Taste of France: Interesting: Ours is hanging, so that would be tough to manage, but it reminds me that my mother-in-law told me that in her childhood bed legs were set in jars full of water in an attempt at deterrent. . . .
    Duchesse: You're wise to set those limits with friends. No one has sent me such links although they do sometimes get posted on Facebook where I can easily ignore them . . . .
    Sue Burpee: Coast to East Central Wobbles πŸ˜‰
    Mary: Thanks! I see that the Urban Sketching movement have been sketching the urban scenes they can see from their window, and I'm thinking I'll try that soon.
    Mme. I have enjoyed seeing your bird sketches! We've got tomatoes on the terrace now — Paul brought some home and planted them yesterday, now just crossing my fingers it continues this warm (remember that late April snowfall in 2008 — we had six inches fall on the island April 20th, broke branches of many trees with the weight caught on all the new foliage.
    Dottoressa: Thank you! It's been so much fun to watch them emerge this year and they're very busy right now.

  13. Lisa
    18 April 2020 / 10:59 pm

    I especially love the Wash Your Hands sketch. So loose and joyous about such a symbolic current task.

  14. Jen Lawrence
    19 April 2020 / 3:31 pm

    Such charming drawings! Stay safe.

  15. Mary
    19 April 2020 / 4:06 pm

    You've probably seen it, too, but S.Blaukopf is offering an online sketching course that isn't expensive if you are looking for a change of pace. Thinking of doing it myself and I am no where as advanced as you in sketching.

  16. materfamilias
    21 April 2020 / 3:44 pm

    Thanks Lisa, Jen L.
    Mary, I did see that and I have it bookmarked as a possibility, although I'm trying to limit my sense of obligation to an abundance of online learning. . . I'm actually enrolled in a (live! on site!) class of hers that was supposed to happen this summer in my former community, but who knows if that will go ahead. . .


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.