Four Outfits Friday. . . and Spot the New Shoes. . .

Our ten days away on the island and in Portland included rainy days at 17 Celsius (62.6 F) all the way up to sunny Portland’s 84 Farenheit (about 29C), so transition packing was required. I was quite pleased with these outfits I put together for days when we need to be a bit warmer, but no coats required yet.

Above, my new Vince jeans which I’ve already worn at least ten times in the three weeks I’ve owned them. They’re very heavy denim, almost no stretch, high-waisted. . . .I’d been keeping an eye out for a pair that had the, mmmmm, integrity or something like, I was looking for, while still having a bit of fashion-y panache, and these are the pair. Back-pocketing is well placed, the legs are just wide enough without being sloppy or too dramatic, and ditto for the just-cropped-enough length. Sadly, the Vince sneakers I’m wearing them with are on their last days (holes coming on the soles). . . I almost abandoned the faux fur vest in Europe last fall, thinking it had served me well enough but that I might not wear it another year (casualty of three-months, one-carry-on: weariness with some garments!). And that printed sweater is a very lightweight merino (J Crew, bought this past spring).

Above and below,  the embroidered and embellished Leon and Harper sweatshirt I bought at their Rue du Four store in Paris (French terry, SO comfortable to wear), with a black merino knit skirt,  Onitsuka Tiger gold sneakers.

The dress below (Minimum is the brand) was a no-brain purchase at a local shop (Eugene Choo). The material is a knit, a dense, fairly heavy one that drapes very nicely and doesn’t lose shape quickly. Wearing it with a paisley-print silk scarf I’ve had for years (Club Monaco, I think), one of the only two I’d brought (the other was a beige cashmere wrap, too much for the warm-ish evening) — at home, I’d probably never have paired dress and scarf, searching instead for a more likely complement, but I ended up really liking the print-mixing. And those are my new shoes (MOMA, lace-free Oxfords, in an antiqued/crackle gold-black) — I’ll show you a better picture of them later with a little account of my deliberations over their purchase, but here they are on the night I took them back to the hotel for more testing and decided they fit well enough to walk to dinner — comfortable enough for a 20-minute walk, both ways!

And below, the silk shirt I bought in Bordeaux last fall paired with the Aritzia black pants (pull-on! so comfy but they look chic, imho, thanks to a brilliant cut and a very nice (Japanese, apparently) microfibre. These were part of last year’s three-months, one-carry-on experiment and acquitted themselves very well.  I machine-wash them on a gentle cycle, and so far, they wear like iron.

We have a 9 a.m. appointment half an hour away and it’s 7:36, so I’m away. Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada, and I’ll be bringing pies to my daughter’s place.  Depending on the weather, we might do some biking to burn up some of those turkey-and-pie calories in advance, but I’m also hoping to add quite a few inches to the cabled cape/poncho I’m knitting. Another small task for the weekend is to pull out the gloves, scarves, and berets that will be needed as the temperatures settle towards their fall norms. I think I need a new umbrella as well. . . .

What about you? Weekend plans? And are you well into the seasonal wardrobe change? Do you tend to put all the summer gear away and switch right over to the woolies, or can you blend the two a fair bit? And which of the garments or outfits I’m wearing here would you find at all useful? Which pieces do you rely on most? Are you, like me, becoming more and more focussed on certain silhouettes so that you, too, might be able to manage on a limited wardrobe of just the right pieces — not quite three months in one carry-on, perhaps, but something like?  I know, I know, too many questions, but you know you can pick and choose, right? Or not answer them at all, just wave a hello or add something new to the conversation. . . Always good to hear from you. . .


  1. Lynn
    6 October 2017 / 6:38 pm

    It's still mid 80's(F) in Florida so the key is to figure out how to look "fallish" when it is still really summer. The college students don't bother — it's still shorts and flip flops. I have a few lightweight, long sleeved tees that I can roll up a bit and pretend that the seasons have changed. Most attention has been focused on cleaning and repairs after the hurricane. Fallen trees mostly taken care of (poor garden) and on the list for roof repairs. So glad when the season is over this year and fall actually arrives!

    • materfamilias
      9 October 2017 / 12:52 am

      I know what you mean about the college students. On the campus I used to work at, shorts and flip-flops would often prevail 'til the end of October, and we're considerably north of you!
      I can imagine wardrobe choices shift priority considerably after a destructive event such as you've faced, although sometimes choosing the right outfit can prove a comforting distraction. . . .Hope the repairs happen soon and the garden begins to re-orient itself toward the future, as they tend to. . .

  2. Georgia
    6 October 2017 / 10:58 pm

    Phooey…I wrote you a longish comment and accidentally clicked away from it. I would wear pretty much anything you show us here, with modifications for my non-wool-wearing and arthritic-footedness. I really like the shape of that dress. Silhouettes are important right now I think. There is a vast difference here between summer and winter dressing but the fall/winter 'indoor clothes' have moved into the closet. With a couple of new friends. I just don't want to see a parka or snow boots for a long time yet (fingers crossed!).

    • materfamilias
      9 October 2017 / 12:56 am

      Sorry about your lost words!
      As for silhouettes, yes, it's interesting how they persist and emerge with greater clarity. . . I would imagine there's much you'd wear in your hot summers and/or your cold winters that wouldn't work well in transition times. Your highs and lows are so much more extreme than ours and your transitions shorter. Hope you don't need to be wiggling feet into snow boots anytime soon, but I did see that a friend currently driving through Alberta remarked on a snowfall there. . . .

  3. Anonymous
    7 October 2017 / 1:57 am

    Our Fall weather calls for warmer clothes. My only purchase is a light weight, lined, black velvet, waist length jacket. This will go well with slacks, jeans, skirts and some dresses. It is very multi-purpose and I like that. It is understated, casual and elegant.

    • materfamilias
      9 October 2017 / 12:57 am

      A black velvet jacket sounds ideal. So much velvet showing up again for this season — in black, it's such a subtle drama. Yummy!

  4. Anonymous
    7 October 2017 / 8:55 am

    I really like your new minimum frock & especially with the scarf . I've bought a new coat , grey & navy herringbone tweed . My husband said " Haven't you got one like that already ?" & I had to explain the narrow shape was totally different to the others & quite like a mans overcoat . I tried to have a discussion about silhouettes being important but he wandered off .
    Wendy in York

    • materfamilias
      9 October 2017 / 12:58 am

      Your new coat sounds splendid! I'd love one just like it, I'm quite sure. As for the wandering off, probably a more honest response than mine, nodding and mm-hmming. . . .while his mind is running through the presentation he has to make the next day πŸ˜‰

  5. Anonymous
    7 October 2017 / 9:39 am

    I must say, I do struggle at present to find anything I like. A recent trawl through both Leeds and York revealed that the current stock of drab and tedious clothes enraged me. The only thing I want is a pair of low and comfortable boots, probably Chelsea style. Viewing a black, flecked with silver lurex, baggy, huge cardigan made of cheap fibre only the other day was the nadir. I shall continue to search for white shirts, decent jeans and black jumpers, plus the boots. And pass on the cripplingly painful slingbacks that I love but which are too uncomfortable to wear. Enjoy the Thanksgiving and be lavish with the pies.

    • materfamilias
      9 October 2017 / 1:02 am

      I'm recognising how little I really need, these days, and thus how much I want whatever I buy to be just right. The few times I wander into shops, so much of what initially catches my eye is easily put back on its hanger when I see the quality of construction or of the fabric itself. Of course, the corollary of this is steeling myself to pay the price of that quality fabric and construction when I find the pieces I hope to be wearing ten years hence. . . Thank you for the command about the pies (you may have intended it as a wish, but I'm choosing to hear it as a command) — I'm toting three along to my daughter's to contribute to the feast: two, the traditional pumpkin, and one, the apple pie my son-in-law and granddaughter registered their preference for. Hoping the ratio works for the crowd. . . .

  6. dottoressa
    7 October 2017 / 5:39 pm

    Happy Thanksgiving!
    My favourites are this beautiful dress (I would like dress like that in navy! Navy is my new/old love this year) with scarf and sweatshirt & wool merino skirt,but can visualize myself in all four outfits. I agree,silhouettes,as well as posture, are very important
    We welcomed fall,between 12 and 22Β°C and, despite high summer temperatures this year, I miss summer already.
    We are invited to a family lunch at my cousin's tomorrow
    Today was a beautiful sunny day for Saturday "spica"coffee with friends,after a (too) long break

    • materfamilias
      9 October 2017 / 1:04 am

      Thank you for the Thanksgiving greetings!
      The dress would be even better in navy or perhaps charcoal grey.
      I'm a bit amused that you miss summer already, given that I know how very warm it was where you are, even back in early June when we visited. Is summer your favourite season (makes sense with your love of the sea!)
      "Spica" where we had ours? I love to picture you there, all stylish with your stylish friends. . . xo

    • dottoressa
      9 October 2017 / 6:38 am

      Yes,(how did you guess :-)?)summer is my favourite season :-),I only love when it is normal,not so hot.I know,I was nagging all summer about the temperatures and forgot all about it after couple of rainy,cold days πŸ™‚
      We are always a little bit understated,not showing off, for the spica coffee,like: we don't think about those trivial things,only about atomic physics and first world problems :-),but it always has to look good,even with the white tee and jeans( with scarf,bag,stilletos -or in my case,ankle boots or oxfords)
      But,sincerely,we are all quite normal and intelligent :-)-and a little bit stylish,too πŸ™‚

  7. Northmoon
    7 October 2017 / 5:50 pm

    I'm just flying home to Toronto today after a lovely visit with my friend in Surrey British Columbia. I had a hard time packing for this trip- temperatures were in the 30's when I left last week. The temperatures here weren't as chilly as I anticipated so several items were unnecessary. And then there are the purchases from Knit City to squeeze in!

    I also got a nice light pair of lace free runners from a Swiss company called On. They are a replacement pair so I hope they are comfortable for long days.

    • materfamilias
      9 October 2017 / 1:07 am

      You were at Knit City! I'm envious, as we were hosting my son's family that weekend, and I missed it. Glad you had a good visit with your friend (so close!) but that's a big jump in temperature to figure packing for — we'll probably be as chilly as you anticipated next week, although these past few days, it's been easy to pretend summer's not quite over. Hope those runners work out; I like the idea of light and lace-free.

  8. K.Line
    7 October 2017 / 9:31 pm

    The pants photo at the bottom is my fave. And it seems to me that you have a bit of balance going on Frances! Knitting and travel and family and taking time to (ad)dress your sartorial self. It sounds very enjoyable. I'm just slightly envious. πŸ™‚

    • materfamilias
      9 October 2017 / 1:09 am

      I like that combo as well, although I'm not sure I'll ever it quite as well with different shoes and those are almost dead.
      As for the envy, it's true the photos and posts evince some balance, but if it makes you feel any better, there's been some behind-the-scenes angst as well. πŸ˜‰ I'm obviously not too shabby at the self-care though, right?

  9. slf
    7 October 2017 / 11:37 pm

    I like all four outfits but can really see myself in the dress with a scarf, and those oxfords! I feel the same about finding jeans with a more authentic feel but still stylish. I think I found them in a pair of Levi 501s in Cone denim. We are still having some mid-80 F. days but I am excited to start wearing some fall clothes and shoes. Just bought a new pair of tall leather boots and a pale grey cashmere sweater. Thanks for sharing your outfits.

    • materfamilias
      9 October 2017 / 1:11 am

      Those Levis would suit me as well, although I particularly wanted a waist high enough to ward off any worries about the muffin-top. I can only see the Cone denim online in Men's. Can you find it in Women's as well or do you buy a guy's size? Ah, tall leather boots, pale grey cashmere — now you're talking! πŸ˜‰

    • slf
      10 October 2017 / 2:01 am

      Yes, the Cone denim comes in Women's and the waist is high but maybe not officially high-waisted. I'm sorry but I forget which online site I found it on.

    • materfamilias
      11 October 2017 / 1:23 am

      thanks! good to know.

  10. Anonymous
    8 October 2017 / 5:06 am

    I just purchased something similar in silhouette to your Minimum dress. Love how you added the scarf! I'm going to "steal" your scarf idea! Thanks for sharing!
    Hope you are well…
    Charlene H.

    • materfamilias
      9 October 2017 / 1:13 am

      I'd also wear a long (sautoir-length) pendant with the dress, but hadn't packed one and I like the way the scarf works. Copy away πŸ˜‰
      And yes, quite well, and I hope you are too. Painting much?

    • Anonymous
      9 October 2017 / 11:45 pm

      Frances…thank you for asking! Yes, I am well and looking forward to this season of American holidays! Happy Belated Thanksgiving to you!
      Unfortunately, I'm not painting but still incorporating creativity via my journaling. I need that A.Watt, inspiring person, to get me going again! Perhaps Tofino in 2018…
      Charlene H.

  11. hostess of the humble bungalow
    8 October 2017 / 7:21 pm

    Love that paisley scarf and dress together…and the Aritzia black pant and blouse combo looks perfect IMHO.
    Happy Thanksgiving…I am in major prep mode here cooking for the family feast but took a break to read some blogs…happily I see you are back with this post.
    Enjoy your family time!

    • materfamilias
      9 October 2017 / 1:14 am

      Your family is so lucky with the meals and the table settings you put together. I'm sure you'll have a lovely, festive dinner.

  12. Anonymous
    9 October 2017 / 3:49 pm

    I love the last two outfits especially. I believe I have the same Aritzia trousers, Cohen I think? The MOMA shoes look wonderful, and your scarf and dress combo does as well. That Bordeaux blouse is beautiful.

    I am in full fall mode; I just made some turkey soup and have a full day with nothing whatsoever to do! My latest fall fashion purchase is a long cardigan in a wonderful burnt orange which I pair with a black Eileen Fisher dress, a black and grey tiger stripe gauze scarf and my new Regarde Ciel boots. You would look good in it!

    I think you are travelling soon? Have a lovely fall and hope to see you early in the new year. Brenda. Ps, love the garden posts!

    • materfamilias
      11 October 2017 / 1:25 am

      I think mine are Cohen as well — so comfy,right?
      Now how did you manage that full day in Week 6? Only 7 more to go, then exams, and then the whole rest of your life!!!
      I love the sound of that outfit — sounds like perfection for the fall, and I need to see your boots. We don't leave until December, but I suspect that is going to feel like "soon" given how the calendar's going. . .

  13. Murphy
    10 October 2017 / 3:24 pm

    I love all of those outfits! We’v had unusually warm weather so far, and today is the first day it’s cool enough to wear fall clothes. So I’m looking forward to pulling out some old favorites.

    • materfamilias
      11 October 2017 / 1:26 am

      It's always a treat, isn't it, to pull out those fall favourites and infuse the wardrobe with some variety from our own closet — enjoy!


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