What I Wore (Christmas Open House)

Except that it has to be dry-cleaned, I’m really loving this silk dress by Graham & Spencer. Told you back when I bought itthat it wouldn’t look nearly as short on me as it did on the model, and you can see that I was right. Again, I’m wearing black tights and my Frye boots, pretty staple elements of my style. I wore the dress without the black turtleneck underneath last night for a slightly dressier look — with tights and turtleneck I could wear it to work as well (although again, with the drycleaning costs, I may not!) Here’s a fuzzy shot of the earrings I wore with it — thin, hammered silver rings.
And this silver cuff with amber — Paul brought me this back from Russia a few years ago. I really should wear it more often.
I’ve got a little poll going over on the right-hand column — I’d appreciate your vote, if you have a minute.

And if you don’t mind, I’ll just repeat what I said in the preceding post, ’cause I know you might not have read it:

I’m curious to know what the effects are of posting too regularly, if there’s
such a thing. What I’m wondering is if readers tend only to read the latest post
— if so, by posting today am I guaranteeing that posts I worked on last week
will tend not to be read? Or do you scan titles (and photos perhaps?) to see
what catches your eye? Do you like to see new posts almost daily? Or do you sigh
an exasperated sigh at yet more words? I know that I tend to be wordier than
many bloggers — wanting a writing venue was one of my primary reasons to start
blogging. And I know many of you are pressed for time. So as I hone my blogging
strategy, I’d appreciate some feedback. If you could either comment below or
take a second to vote in the poll to your right, I’d be very grateful.


  1. Gina
    17 December 2007 / 2:30 pm

    In addition to my long-winded comment from yesterday, I add the following: it’s not uncommon for me to discover a new blog and then take some free time to read through the archives. The exercise may be more “skimming” than reading, but it gives me a better sense of the evolution of the blog and blogger, as well as some context.

  2. materfamilias
    17 December 2007 / 3:58 pm

    Gina: thanks for the reminder that I sometimes do this as well with a new blog when I have time. (and I don’t remember you being long-winded at all!)

  3. paris parfait
    18 December 2007 / 6:25 pm

    The dress is marvelous! As for posting, I post every day, but have found if I post more than once a day, sometimes readers see only the latest one.


Unless otherwise stated, all words and photographs in this blog are my own. If you wish to use any of them, please give me credit for my work. And it should go without saying, but apparently needs to be said: Do not publish entire posts as your own. I will take the necessary action to stop such theft. Thanks.